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Leslie Thornton


Leslie Thornton (b. 1951) is a recognized pioneer of contemporary media aesthetics who is engaged with film, video, photography and installation. Retrospectives have been held at MIT List Visual Arts Center (Massachusetts), MoMA (New York), FemCine (Santiago), Anthology Film Archives (New York) and at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Her work has been widely exhibited at venues such as Documenta 12 (Kassel); MoMA PS1 (Long Island City); Centre Pompidou (Paris); the Whitney Biennial (New York); Raven Row and Rodeo Gallery (London); the New York Film Festival, Oberhausen, and Rotterdam International Film Festival, among others. Thornton is in the permanent collections of Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Centre Pompidou, MoMA, the Pacific Film Archives, the Walker Art Center and Jeu de paume. Recent exhibitions include Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart, Secession (Vienna) and Malmö Kunsthalle. Thornton lives and works in New York.



flutter (2019)

Writing & Press

Financial Times



EVENT (2019)

Leslie Thornton (2022)


Please contact the gallery for links to films & videos by the artist

02_UNIT 17-FRIEZE 2019, Photo by Renato

flutter, 2019 installation view Frieze New York 2019

03_UNIT 17-FRIEZE 2019, Photo by Renato

flutter, installation view Frieze New York 2019

01_UNIT 17-FRIEZE 2019, Photo by Renato

flutter, installation view Frieze New York 2019


flutter, 2019 (still)

two-channel HD video, colour, sound, 5m20s

Unit17-LeslieThornton-Mutton Fat

Mutton Fat Jade, 1973

acrylic on canvas, 68.5 x 57.7cm - 26.9 x 22.7 inches

Unit17-LeslieThornton-Convair NX-2 Test

Convair NX-2 Test 165, 2019 (with Thomas Zummer)

graphite, carbon, ink, chalk on rag paper, 55.8 x 76.2cm - 22 x 30 inches

Unit17-THORNTONZummer-Drawing of a Found

Drawing of a Found Definition of the Uncanny, 1998 (with Thomas Zummer)

colour pencil, pure pigment, graphite, carbon, erasure on Arches 88 paper, 55.8 x 76.2cm - 22 x 30 inches

Unit17-LeslieThornton-Convair NX-2Atomic

Anonymous Illustrator, General Electric

Convair NX-2Atomic powered Subsonic Aircraft (WS-125A), c.1960, pencil and watercolour, 47.9 x 91.4cm - 18.8 x 35.9 inches


SO MUCH MUCH, installation view Unit 17


SO MUCH MUCH, installation view Unit 17

Unit17-LeslieThornton-SOMUCHMUCH-Cut fro

Cut From Liquid to Snake, 2018 (still)

HD video, colour, sound, 22m6s

Unit17-LeslieThornton-SOMUCHMUCH-Cut fro

Cut From Liquid to Snake, 2018 (still)

HD video, colour, sound, 22m6s


SO MUCH MUCH, installation view Unit 17

Unit17-LeslieThornton-They Were Just Peo

They Were Just People, 2016 (still)

HD video, colour, sound, 10m


They Were Just People, 2016 (still)

HD video, colour, sound, 10m


Peggy and Fred in Hell: The Prologue, 1984 (still)

black and white video, sound, 19m40s

Unit17-LeslieThornton (Untitled) 1974Pai

untitled, 1974

acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36cm - 14.1 x 14.1 inches


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


Peggy and Fred in Hell, 1983-2016, 16mm film transferred into video, b&w and sepia, sound, 92m. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


GROUND, installation view Kunstverein Nürnberg. Photo: Rory Witt


Jennifer, Where Are You?, 1981, 16mm film transferred into video, colour, sound, 11m. Photo: Rory Witt

© 2025 U N I T 17

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